Instructions to be Followed :-
1. Just spend two hours per day for working with the Advertisement Companies in the order given.
2. While registering with Advertising & Survey companies don’t use your personal E-mail-id, kindly open a new email id and use that id for registereing with those Advertisement& Survey companies. This is to avoid unnecessary Emails.
3. After registration some companies send confirmation mail to your Email-id. Please open that mail and click on the confirmation link to activate your account.
4. While registering with those companies you can give a eight digit alpha numerical password. For example : abc123!@#.It is advised to give the same password to all the companies.
5. Some companies ask for user name. You can give your name with initials or you can give your email id as the user name.
6. Country code for India is 91.
7. Area code means STD code.For example it is 044 for Chennai and 011 for NewDelhi.
8. Zipcode means postal PIN code.
9. If you do not have a land line phone number you can give your friend or relative landline number.Nobody is going to disturb you over phone.
10. First name & Last name :- This should match with your Bank account name.
11. Only one person per family is allowed.If you register for more than one person in a family you will not get surveys.
12. Do not expect the surveys to come immediately after registration.Sometimes the companies will take one week to one month time.
13. Please submit the details relevant to you while registering.
14. Do not waste your time and effort by referring your friends as referral amount is not being paid properly.
15. Do not give your credit card information anywhere.
16. All the Advertisement & Survey companies in our Data base are FREE to register and you need not pay anything anywhere.
17. In case if you face a problem in registering with a survey company you can skip it and come back later on.
18. Check your Email regularly.
19. You will receive the Surveys, after you complete all the registrations.